Monday, June 29, 2015

Why Should White Women Date Black Men?

In recent years, there has been a surplus of white women and black men relationships. Some will argue that this interracial relationship has been purposely promoted by the media. Some will also argue that this interracial relationship is often times dysfunctional (laziness, abuse, self hate and insecurity).
YouTuber from CEO of interracial dating site says  white women want to give black people more to think about when it comes to the hidden motives of white women. They say you can see by the popularity of the movement (white women dating black men) that it’s not about love.
white women dating black men

These are  18 reasons and explanations to why white women date black men:
1. Fat. She’s too large to attract a white men. She believes her body type is more accepted by black men.
2. Ugly and unattractive by European standards of beauty.
3. She wants to experiment. She’s curious about the black man’s genitalia, how big it is, how he performs sexually, if it’s better than being with a white man.
4. Jealous. She’s jealous of black women.
5. Boredom. She’s bored with white men. She is looking for excitement and a change. She wants to cause some friction.
6. Anger. White women that date black men are angry and see this as a form of rebellion. White rage.
7. Desperation. She can’t get the white guys she wants. She cannot go without a man.
8. Attention. Dating someone different than her own race is her way of getting attention.
9. She’s gullible.
10. Whorish. She’s sleeping with many different men. He’s just one of many.
11. Rejected. She’s intensely rejected by other men.
12. Meal Ticket. She see’s the black man as a meal ticket. Example; entertainers, athletes.
13. Her white men are too effeminate. She has this Godzilla fantasy and believes the black man is more masculine. White men have a reputation for their pedophilia and other strange sexual acts and there isn’t enough available white men for white women.
14. Mixed children. She wants mixed children. She feels mixed children will increase her worth in life.
15. She’s ghetto and feels she will fit in with ghetto black men. You can tell she ghetto by her speech, lack of goals, hair, tattoos, piercings.
16. She thinks it’s trendy.
17. Racism. Some white women date black men because they are racist. She pretends to be color blind. Why would you date someone that’s completely different looking without acknowledging it? There is a hidden racist motive.
18. Arrogant. She thinks she can have any man she wants. She believes the black men is suppose to like her.

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